Tabula Rasa Multidisciplinary Experiments invite visual artists to bring your art supplies to Warehouse XI and paint the performance. A featured artist paints onstage and we provide painting surfaces around the space. Here are some of the drawings and paintings that artists have made during previous events.
Bill Commerford, Synesthesia, Feb 19, 2016Monty Brower, Synesthesia, Feb 19, 20116Linda Clave, Synesthesia, Feb 19, 2016Bill Cummerford, Synesthesia, Feb 19, 2016Tamar Ettingen, from APOCALYPSO!, Feb 19, 2017Art by Nancy Ostrovsky, BLANK SLATE #1, August 21, 2013Art by Nancy Ostrovsky, BLANK SLATE #1, August 21, 2013Nancy Ostrovsky painting, BLANK SLATE #1,Detail of Art by Nancy Ostrovsky, BLANK SLATE #1,Art by Lynda Clave